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Chart of Accounts – How to Get Organized & Efficient


In many organizations, they’re a necessary tool for organizing financial records and setting up accounting systems. The central purpose of a COA is to provide a foundation within which all of a company’s financial records are kept according to an easy-to-follow, logical structure. Fortunately, the answer is simple.

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What are GL Codes and how to assign them effectively?


💡 The General Ledger Explained : At the heart of a company’s financial record-keeping lies the General Ledger (GL) – a comprehensive repository that records every financial transaction conducted by the business.

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General Ledger (GL): Definition, Significance, Implementation


Automate your General Ledger The general ledger is the backbone of your company's financial records. It is the centralized repository for all financial data, including assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, and expenses.